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About Us

Jen tells all (ok not all, but a lot)

We’ve been happily married, best friends for nearly 30 years and raised 5 hardworking, exceptional children.  I have often been asked, “How do you do it?”  I tell them, “We just do it, there is no other choice.”  Still, some just can’t fathom having more than two, let alone five children, including our fourth being severely disabled.  They feel overwhelmed, and simply cannot imagine our life.  One thing I can tell you is that it DOES get easier. 

Now that my babies are mostly grown, very independent, and venturing out into the world, I have a little more time on my hands.  I still find myself asked for advice or having ideas to share.  I’ve always enjoyed writing, so with that in mind, I started this blog.  My wonderfully supportive husband handles the technical aspects (Thank God!). He also proofreads my posts, helps with brainstorming, inspiration, and advice.  We make a great team.  He is my rock.  

I’ve helped moms often, through the years and wished I had kept track of the questions and my subsequent advice. I wish I had written down the questions and answers over the years.  Now, with that extra time on my hands, I can!

Some of our Parenting History:

I was a stay-at-home mom, but I do have some experiences with money-making side ventures, here and there, along the way.  We were practicing Attachment Parenting when it was a term newly coined by Dr Sears and we relied heavily on his books, before he had a website, and well before his sons were doctors.  I gave birth without drugs, when everyone assured me that it was too painful to do so.  Even though breastfeeding was known to be best, I was quite good at discreetly breastfeeding in public, when it was still something to be hidden.  Not to mention, my extended and tandem breastfeeding was certainly shocking to many.  I was baby wearing when it was considered overindulgent, and co-sleeping when it was frowned upon. Dr Sears may have called it Attachment Parenting, but I called it following my instincts.  More importantly, it worked well for us, and we wouldn’t change a thing!

On a more personal note, I’ll bring readers along on my self-discovery.  As a mom who suddenly has more time on her hands, I’m taking better care of myself. I had time to actually look in the mirror, and to SEE myself.  I didn’t like what I saw, so I made changes.  Some were so easy, like changing my wardrobe, finding a hairstyle that worked for me, and wearing makeup again.  Others are an on-going process, like changing my diet, exercising, and finding new hobbies and experiences.  And some were life-changing like getting acrylic nails (yes, something so simple was life changing for me).  These adventures can also be followed weekly @30s_for_life on Instagram.

I’ve always been frugal, so I can discuss what that meant as a young mom, and what it means now.  I’ve always shopped thrift and garage sales, but now I’ll actually buy retail a little more often.  I used to live the coupon life with grocery shopping, and now, I shop local, fresh markets.  I still love the hunt for the best deal and thrifting finds always give me a rush. I will share my finds and tips from time to time.  Those might be featured on Instagram @FootPrintsTireTracks

Special Needs

As parents to a severely disabled daughter, we’ve learned life hacks and routines that work for us.  When we come across an issue, we brainstorm together to find a solution. Oftentimes, items for special needs are pricey or not perfectly suited for our situation. We find ways around this or substitutes that work better and cost less.  You can follow the adventures of DoodleBug @Our_AbiRose on Instagram.    

A little more detail for the more curious:

We live in Northern Ohio, by Lake Erie, in a small city to the west of a large city.  Yes, we get lake effect snow, but not nearly to the extent of the east side nor south.  We enjoy walks, cycling, working out, weekend adventures, date nights, and family vacations.  We are big movie fans, especially well done sci-fi flicks, but are also picky about our movies.  We enjoy self-improvement, reptiles, and activities where we can combine several interests together.  For example, Instagram and our blog, as well as, my husband’s reptile breeding hobby @McZoo_Exotics and our YouTube Channels.

My Interests: 

I enjoy sewing.  I used to make dolls and doll clothes when the girls were younger, but now I’m into upcycling and refashioning, when I have the time.  I make bibs, pillow cases, and other special items we need for our disabled daughter. I’m also getting into making fun throw pillows out of thrifted clothing.  

I enjoy yard work, and some gardening.  I used to enjoy spending time in my vegetable garden, but now prefer container gardening. 

And always love cooking for my family, and with my family.  I only have one child left to teach cooking meals to, as she came to this interest later than the rest, but one of my joys used to be cooking with my children.  Now, I enjoy the pride in watching them cook their own meals.  

And, as I’ve mentioned a few times, I enjoy self-improvement.  Currently that involves a healthy diet and working out.  In the past I’ve researched other avenues I wanted to improve on. 

Ask Me Questions!   Is there something you’d like to know about me/us?!  Ask questions, we might just answer them!  

About Us: About
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