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  • Jen

Self Make Over

As a busy mom, fashion certainly wasn’t the first thing on my mind! Probably not the second or third thing, either. Comfort was the name of the game! Quick and easy prep, with roomy clothes, was the rule. I didn’t have time to spend an hour in front of the mirror applying makeup and doing my hair, just to spend another hour washing it off before bed. So, by the time my kids were preteens, I hadn’t worn make up in years, usually wore my hair in ponytails or headbands, and wore tennis shoes almost everywhere. Once they were mostly in their teens, I was a frumpy mom.

There is certainly nothing wrong with dressing comfortably, and absolutely nothing wrong with ponytails and tennis shoes. Some women pull that look off very well, in fact. Not me. As much as I liked who I was as a mother, and a person, I did not like what I saw in the mirror. I could dress up quite well, when the occasion called for it, but those moments were few and far between. Maybe 3 to 5 a year, at the most. Those were the only times that I wore makeup or dressed in flattering clothes. Otherwise, it was all comfort. Baggy comfort, at that. Frumpy Mom style.

One day, looking at the frumpy mom in the mirror, It clicked. If I wanted to like what I saw in the mirror, then I had to make those changes. It was something I had to do for myself, or it would never happen. Stop wishing and start doing. So, I began the process.

Thankfully, I was already on a great eating plan, so healthy weight loss was something I had already accomplished a few years back. I was sustaining that weight loss, but other changes were needed. Some were immediate, like hair style and clothing choices. Some required a little research, like a makeup and skin care routine that I wouldn’t hate. While others were more long term, like a workout routine.

I started doing research, asking questions on my chat groups, and even observing my teen daughters. I knew I wanted to build a new wardrobe, find a simple makeup routine, and find a hairstyle that worked well for me. I was also working on fine tuning my workouts. I found solutions to each of these areas and will discuss them deeper in a series of upcoming posts. Join me on my adventure of becoming the me I want to see in the mirror!

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